CRO Global Summit
The CRO Global Summit is co-sponsored by prestigious universities in China,
professional advisory bodies and leading companies that are
committed to sustainable business development.
professional advisory bodies and leading companies that are
committed to sustainable business development.


Sustainability,the Engine of the Future Business
Jan. 25th, 2018,13:00-17:00
Specifically, the summit would highlight 4 heated topics: Sustainable Cities, New Retail and New Fashion, Healthy China 2030 and Technology for Good. The participants would discuss the approaches of the future business driven by sustainability, the implementation of the SDGs in Chinese market, and the win-win solutions led by sustainable business.

New Trends in Sustainable Cities
environment protection residence and smooth traffic

New Living Styles
public engage in sustainable consumption

create and Share Together
Achieving Healthy China 2030

The Win-Win Solutions
new technology and application for the business and the society